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Yaml Reader For Mac

  1. I write/edit a lot of YAML syntax files, and syntax highlighting really helps determine where I have syntax errors in a YAML file. Recently I've added two contributors who are not too familiar with computer programming, so it's important they have syntax highlighting to figure out where the errors are.
  2. Here are the examples of the python api yaml.reader.YamlReader.NON_PRINTABLE taken from open source projects. By voting up you can indicate which examples are most useful and appropriate. By voting up you can indicate which examples are most useful and appropriate.
  1. Adobe Reader For Mac
  2. Java Yaml
  3. Yaml Parser Mac

The right way to handle YAML in Go November 29, 2014. Go's standard library includes the ability to serialize and deserialize structs as JSON.While Go doesn't have a native library for YAML, go-yaml can be used to accomplish the same thing. However, if you are trying to support both JSON and YAML, several issues arise when using go-yaml and Go's JSON library together.

Active1 year, 3 months ago

Im trying to install pyYAML from source on windows 10. I downloaded PyYAML 3.11 from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyYAML. When I run setup.py I get error: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified. How to fix it?

Vadim Kotov
5,4457 gold badges36 silver badges49 bronze badges
Kamrul KhanKamrul Khan
1,9404 gold badges18 silver badges38 bronze badges

4 Answers

  1. Download the wheel from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyyaml that suits your need (Python version, 32/64 bit).

  2. $ pip3 install PyYAML-3.11-cp35-none-win32.whl


You will need to install many dependencies to get a proper build environment setup in Windows.

To make your life easy, there are use the windows installers (the .exe files) that correspond to your version of Python (so if you have installed 32 bit Python on 64bit Windows, use the 32bit installers).

The installers are listed on the PyPi index page for PyYAML.

The only drawback is that these installers will not work correct in a virtual environment, so you'll have to install them against the base version of Python.

Burhan KhalidBurhan Khalid
130k16 gold badges171 silver badges227 bronze badges

I install PyYAML following these steps:

Adobe Reader For Mac

  1. clone or download https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml
  2. open cmd and cd to the downloaded path
  3. execute python setup.py install as README in the repo says
yu yang Jianyu yang Jian
2,8532 gold badges25 silver badges43 bronze badges

Download suitable(Python version, 32/64 bit) .exe file from http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAML, then double click it to install PyYAML to your Windows 10 PC following the wizard window.

Jon JiangJon Jiang

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged pythonwindowspyyaml or ask your own question.


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Java Yaml

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# #
# This script is meant to convert the csv file containg the OSX/iOS #
# artifacts into a yaml artifact page #
# #
# Author: Pasquale Stirparo (@pstirparo) #
# #
# This work is licensed under the GNU General Public licensed #
# #
import sys
import os
import csv
import argparse
from datetime import date
__author__ ='@pstirparo'
__location__ ='https://github.com/pstirparo/mac4n6'
__ref1__ ='http://forensicswiki.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X'
__ref2__ ='http://forensicswiki.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X_10.9_-_Artifacts_Location'
flag_openrow =False
defwrite_artifact(artifact, yamlF):
yamlF.write('name: '+ artifact['name'] +'n')
yamlF.write('doc: '+ artifact['doc'] +'n')
yamlF.write('- type: FILEn')
#yamlF.write(' attributes:n')
tmp = artifact['paths'].split(',')
ifint(len(tmp)) >1:
yamlF.write(' attributes:n')
yamlF.write(' paths: n')
for path in tmp:
yamlF.write(' - ''+ path +''n')
yamlF.write(' attributes: ')
yamlF.write('{paths: [''+ artifact['paths'] +'']}n')
yamlF.write('labels: ['+ artifact['labels'] +']n')
yamlF.write('supported_os: [Darwin]n')
ifint(len(artifact['urls'])) >0:
yamlF.write('urls: [''+ artifact['urls'] +'']n')
global flag_openrow
artifact = {}
artifacts_counter, locations_counter =0, 0
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest='csv_input', default=False, help='CSV Artifacts file to be converted into YAML', metavar='')
iflen(sys.argv) 1:
args = parser.parse_args()
csv_file = args.csv_input
yaml_file = os.path.splitext(csv_file)[0] +'.yaml'
withopen(yaml_file, 'w+') as yamlF:
yamlF.write('# Mac OS X (Darwin) specific artifacts.n')
yamlF.write('# mac4n6: '+ __location__ +'n')
yamlF.write('# Reference: '+ __ref1__ +'n')
yamlF.write('# Reference: '+ __ref2__ +'n')
yamlF.write('# Last update: '+ date.today().isoformat() +'nn')
withopen(csv_file, 'rU') asfile:
reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',')
#skip the first 3 lines of the csv file
for i inrange(3):
for row in reader:
iflen(row) >0:
ifint(len(row[0])) >1andint(len(row[1])) >1:
#Check if current row is the intermediate section header and skip
if row[0] 'Artifact'and row[1] 'Name':
if flag_openrow True:
write_artifact(artifact, yamlF)
flag_openrow =False
artifact['name'] = row[1]
artifact['doc'] = row[0]
artifact['paths'] = row[3]
artifact['labels'] = row[2]
artifact['urls'] = row[5]
flag_openrow =True
elifint(len(row[0])) 1:
artifact['paths'] = artifact['paths'] +','+ row[3]
if flag_openrow True:
write_artifact(artifact, yamlF)
yamlF.write('# Total Artifacts: '+str(artifacts_counter) +'n')
yamlF.write('# Total Locations: '+str(locations_counter) +'n')

Yaml Parser Mac

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